Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pics from Sept 2008-Feb 2009

Various pictures since September that I've been meaning to send out. It includes christmas and Kierin's birthday....belly pics are in there too :)

Happy looking :)


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More ultrasound pics, Kierin and Conner stories!

Here they are 1/27/09 at 21 weeks 4 days :)

This is Baby A (boy) head to the left looking at you.
This is Baby A (boy) showing you he is still all boy :) Look in the circle; it's obvious he's on team blue :)
This is Baby B (girl). She is looking at you. Her face is on the left; forehead is to the right and chin to the left. The round thing to the right of her head is Baby A's head :) They are snuggled up so close and are both head down (YAYYYYYY! Stay that way so we might not have to have a c-section!!!)

Baby B (girl) showing us she is still a girl. Girl parts are in the circle and look like 3 little white lines. The pudgy thing sticking out above the circle is her cute little leg :)

Today we had another appt with the perinatologist and had our monthly ultrasound. They are doing very well and the perinatologist said they had an excellent rate of growth.

Baby A (boy)- heart rate in the 150's and weighed 17 oz (or 1 pound 1 oz).

Baby B (girl)- heart rate in the 140's and weighed 16 oz (or 1 pound).

They were moving all around and kicking and hitting each other as usual. This time, our girl was awake more and was waving at us and looking straight at the transducer. As a result we got to see several shots of her looking straight on. Her face shape seems different than our boy's, so I don't think they will look that much alike. I think she looks like me and he looks like Marvin, but maybe I am just imagining it. We are still hard at work trying to come up with a name for our boy and are trying to decide on a couple for our girl. It's hard not having names for them yet and having to just call them "boy" and "girl", but hopefully in the next week or two we will come to some consensus. I go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound at the peri :)

Kierin- Doing wonderful; so smart as always. He is Ms. Brandie's big helper at school and just eats up the positive attention he gets from that. He likes to help her clean up the room and loves that she lets him be the line leader and gives him stickers for it. He is big time into scooby doo right now and loves to tell his own stories in his books when he "reads" them. The funniest thing he has said lately was when Marvin let him crack open the fortune cookie he got with his chinese food and told Kierin to read the fortune. This is what Kierin said "it says 'Dear Kierin, you will have lots of birthday parties and presents just for me at Chuck E Cheese.' " Hahaha...we both laugh so much at him every day. He is just at a funny age. When he grows up he wants to be a professional athlete or an astronaut. He also told me that when the doctor takes the babies out of my belly that it is going to break my belly, but that the doctor will fix it and make it all better and then he said "and Kierin will kiss it too and it will be better". Hahaha..he is such a sweetie. Another funny on him- when I button his pants in the morning, sometimes he giggles at me and says "suck it in, pal"....meaning he needs to suck in his own belly to help me out. :)

Conner- Whew...that boy is a mess. He is a sweet mess though. He currently LOVES sesame street, spongebob and scooby doo (all begin with 'S'; how weird!). We took him to a mexican restaurant last night and he kept trying to eat the hot salsa on his chips. I told him "Con, it's hot!!" He kept trying anyway. Finally the waiter came back and we were able to get some mild salsa. Once he got it, he kept the whole bowl right in front of him and would dip his chip, suck off the salsa and dip it again. He loves anything with tomatoes on it or in it. He also likes cucumbers, olives and green beans which while not unheard of, is a little less common and completely contrasted with Kierin's vegetable repertoire of corn and snow peas. He is not much on meat at all; it is a struggle to get him to eat it once a day. Whereas Kierin will eat chicken any time of day; Conner really has to be in the mood to eat it or he will outright refuse. Today at school he was carrying around a baby doll and his teacher told him to hug the baby like he was going to hug the new babies and he said "NO!" and threw the doll down! I know he is going to be the more jealous one of the bunch; I just hope we can make it through. He is such a mama's boy! He was so funny this morning. Marvin was dressing him as I was getting my makeup on and I hear his little feet running to our room and him crying. I look down and he is standing there in just his jeans and socks. I said "where is your shirt, Con?" He said "No, shirt Dad!" I was confused and finally Marvin came in with one of Conner's hoodies that I know he won't wear (I think because his big head got somewhat stuck in it once that he has since hated it). Marvin said he was refusing to put on the shirt. I told him to just get him another one because he didn't like that shirt...Marvin gave me a look and said that he was just being difficult and didn't want any shirt. I sat Conner on the bed with me and when Marvin got back, I went to put his shirt on and he bent his head forward and helped me. I asked him "Do you like this shirt better?" He started smiling his million dollar smile and said "Yeah!" haha. Just like that, he was fine again. Little booger head...he looks so much like Marvin sometimes.

Guess I'd better run. I keep meaning to post a belly pic and keep forgetting. Hold me to it for tomorrow; I'm too tired to get it from the camera :) Suffice it to belly is big and big.

Off to sleep I go.
