All was well with the twins today! Twin A (boy) was 8oz and Twin B (girl) was 7 oz. They have big heads already...they measured 18 weeks 2 days. Haha...big head= big brain= smart, right? :) Boy's heart rate was 158 (from doing somersaults, no doubt) and Girls's heart rate was 140. The old wive's tale about girls having higher heart rates wasn't true for me :) Kierin and Conner were the same way and also always had higher heart rates. They have passed all genetic testing so far and just have one more screening blood test for spina bifida which was done today. No markers were found for any problems at this point, so it was all good news! I have to tell you what happened. I was so ready to hear that my little baby A was a girl...that when she said Boy...I really was confused! I couldn't believe it for a second. Then I had to wait 15 or 20 agonizing minutes while she did all of the measurements on baby B (the girl) to find out if it was as I thought a Boy. Just as she was about to look and tell us, the Perinatologist comes in and takes her out of the room to talk to her about another patient!! My hands were all cramped and sweaty from gripping the exam table and waiting on her to hurry back! When she finally came back in what seemed like 3 eternities, she was silent for the longest time. I kept looking for a little "wee wee" but didn't see one. I kept thinking oh man...she's not going to be able to tell. The finally out of the blue...shocking us both...she says "I think Baby B is a little girl!!" I told her "Check again...we don't make girls and I want to be sure!" She didn't say anything and I was afraid I offended her, but she looked again and showed me a couple more shots of the girl parts. I was elated. These are our last babies and I just really wanted to end with a bang and have a girl in there somewhere :) Our boy was like a cute little monkey. He really would not stay still! He kept jumping and flipping and kicking his sister. Finally she got tired of it and they had an all out brawl with arms and legs flailing!!!!! It was an awesome experience. I called Kierin and Conner (home with my grandparents) and told Kierin the news to tell everyone. He was so excited that he was getting what he wanted and what he predicted all along. When we got home and showed them the pictures (Kierin was asking to see them as soon as we walked in), Conner just pointed at them and said "babies!". That's the extent of his acknowledgement of them right now.
In other news...Conner can count!!! He counts to 6!! I was shocked when I was reading to him the other night and said "let's count these balls in the picture, Con!" I said "1...." he said "2...3...5...6". He isn't a fan of 4 for some reason, but we're working on it! Here's a cute Con factoid...he loves pants with pockets! He just giggles every time he wears a pair his auntie and uncle from Canada got for him that have nice big pockets he can get both hands into.
Kierin starts soccer again this spring and is super excited about it. He loves soccer and loves Coach Ray, so we are signing him up for the next level class with Coach Ray by his request. His birthday is in 2 weeks and he had a hard time choosing between a soccer theme party and a transformers theme. In the end, Transformers won out and will be at Chuck E Cheese, also by his request. I swore I would never have another party there, but oh what you will do for your kids!
I am so excited I could go on and on, but I won't keep you any longer....